New Traders Combined Insurance

What We Cover

We cover building, Fixtures and fitting, stock, Goods held in trust, Machinery and Equipment, Furniture etc. of your business premises.

What we offer

Fire and/or Lightning and Other Damages due to
Explosions, Aircraft Damages, Bursting/Overflowing of water tanks and pipes, Riot/ Strikes, Malicious Damages, Terrorism, Impact damages, Electrical Fire, Clearance of Debris.

Natural Disaster Coverage
Flood, Tsunami, Earthquake, storm, Cyclone, Volcanic Eruption, Tidal Waves, Windstorm etc.

Burglary Cover – insured premises and Its contents

Additional Covers

  • Relocation expenses –In the event where stock or building are totally destroyed by any peril insured against, up to a maximum of 4 months.
  • Cost of Removal of Debris and Providing Professional fees.
  • Public Liability
  • Workmen’s Compensation Insurance to employees
  • Money Insurance
  • Legal Expenses
  • Business Loan repayment
  • Funeral Expenses of Insured or Family
  • Spoiling of Frozen food due to power failure of the Refrigerator.

Added Benefits


  • Maximum up to Rs 1,000,000 Major Illness cover
  • Reimbursement of medical costs incurred in the treatment of :-

Heart disease, cancer, kidney failure, stroke and several other serious illnesses, including heart attack and open heart surgery, major organ transplants, chronic lung and liver disease, deafness, blindness, multiple sclerosis, paralysis etc.

*Terms & Conditions apply.

Request a Quotation

    Ensure to insure your vehicle to the current Market Value and your Property to the Reinstatement Value. Please refer our Average Clause in your policy for additional details.